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In this article, we will deal with issues directly related to Transfer Value (TV). Be aware, the realities of a TV pertain to each specific pension plan and the legislation to which it pertains, and here my discussion will apply to the Federal Government Pension Plan, often identified as the PSSA. General principles will remain for other pension plans, but each one has its own specific attributes. Here are the important points to cover:

  • What is a TV ?
  • Time value of money
  • Pension reform
  • Rates today
  • Receiving money from the TV
  • The Yin and the Yang
  • Point of no return


BSc., CLU, CFP®, Pl. Fin.

Founder, Chairman and Chief Advisor.

Michel Guimond

Best pension financial advisor in the Ottawa region.

Michel studied at Laval University, in Quebec City, and obtained a Bachelor’s degree in actuarial science in 1985. He worked at Metropolitan Life (MetLife) in Ottawa (and stayed in the region since then!) from 1985 to 1990 in the actuarial department, and obtained his Associateship from the Society of Actuaries (Illinois, USA), in 1988. In 1990, he decided to jump on the other side of the fence and to become a Financial Planner to help people with their finances.

In 1993, he went to Great-West Life (GWL) as a sales manager, then Regional Life manager in 1997.

In 2000, he left GWL to join a group of actuaries and financial planners and start giving retirement seminars for the Retirement Planning Institute (RPI), the largest provider of retirement seminars to the public function pensionneers. Since the year 2000, Michel has been the leading financial planning seminar facilitator at exclusive events for public sector employers and employees.

Over 700 seminars later, he still does retirement seminars and provides financial plans to over 500 families.